13 of Our Greatest Family Photo Ideas

Did you know that the average family adds more than 3,000 photos to their collection every year?

Capturing good family photos is harder than it seems. You want to make sure everyone looks good and the setting is just right, but you also don't have all day to snap a few shots.

Family photos are one of those things that you always mean to do, but never seem to get around to. And when you finally do take some photos, they never turn out quite as you wanted them to.

But don't worry. Keep reading because, with this guide, you'll be able to capture great family photos in no time. We've compiled 13 of our favorite family photo ideas that will help you look your best and show off your personality.

1. Make the Most of Nature

When it comes to family photos, nature can be your best friend. Take advantage of a beautiful day and head outdoors for a photo session. If you have young children, they'll love running around and exploring their surroundings.

And if you have older kids, they can help with things like carrying gear or setting up the camera. Nature provides a beautiful backdrop for family photos, and it's also a great way to get some fresh air and exercise.

So next time you're planning a family photo session, consider heading outdoors. You and your family will create lasting memories and maybe even get some great shots for your holiday card!

2. Get Candid

Candid moments are some of the best family photos. These are the photos that show your family interacting and enjoying each other's company. They can be anything from playing games to simply talking and laughing together.

Candid moments are special because they capture your family in a natural setting, without any posed or forced smiles. Instead, these photos show your family as they are - imperfect and beautiful.

Capturing candid moments is all about being patient and waiting for the right moment to snap the photo. But it's worth it because these types of photos are always cherished by families. So next time you're taking photos of your loved ones, make sure to take some candid shots as well!

3. Include Your Pets

Pets are often considered to be part of the family, so it makes sense that you would want to include them in your photos. They can make for some great candid shots, and they will certainly add some personality to your photos.

In addition, pets can be a great way to get everyone in the family involved in the photo session. If you have young children, they may be more likely to cooperate if there is a pet involved.

And if you have older family members who are hesitant to have their photo taken, they may be more receptive if there is a pet involved. So, next time you are planning a family photo session, don't forget to include your furry (or not-so-furry) friends.

4. Have Fun with Props

Props can be a great way to add interest to your photos and make them more fun. They can also be a great way to get everyone involved in the photo session. Just make sure not to use too many props, as they can end up looking cluttered.

A few well-placed props can help add depth and dimension to your photos, and they can also be a lot of fun to play with. If you're stuck for ideas, try using some of the following props:

  • A fan or wind machine for hair-tossing shots
  • A sheet or blanket for a picnic scene
  • A basket or trunk for a treasure hunt
  • An old-fashioned camera for a vintage look
  • A toy car or boat for a race scene
  • A stuffed animal or doll for a cuddly shot

With a little creativity, you can come up with all sorts of fun ways to use props in your photos. So get creative and have fun!

Family Photo Ideas

5. Play with Perspective

As any photographer knows, perspective is everything. The angle at which a photo is taken can completely change the feel of the final image. For instance, a photo taken from ground level will have a very different look than one taken from above.

By playing with perspective, you can add interest and variety to your photos. One way to do this is to get down low for a ground-level shot. This can help to create a sense of intimacy or mystery.

Alternatively, you could try an aerial shot for a bird's-eye view of your subject. Or, you could take photos through objects like trees or flower petals for a unique framing effect.

By experimenting with perspective, you can add visual interest to your photos and discover new ways to see the world around you.

6. Use Symmetry

Symmetry is something that we see every day, even if we don't realize it. Objects in nature, like animals and plants, are often symmetrical. Man-made objects, like buildings and cars, are also often symmetrical.

Symmetry can be soothing and comforting, which is why so many people find it aesthetically pleasing. When it comes to photography, symmetry can create some stunning images.

Try lining everyone up and taking a photo head-on, or using reflections in water for a different take on the symmetry theme. With a little creativity, you can use symmetry to create some truly memorable photos.

7. Capture Movement

Adding movement to your photos can make them pop and help to tell a story. A photo of a person or animal in motion can capture a sense of energy and movement, while a still photo can feel static.

To add movement to your photos, try using a slow shutter speed. This will capture the movement of your subject and create an interesting effect. You can also ask your subjects to jump in the air for a fun and unique photo.

Capturing movement in your photos will help to add life and interest, making them more enjoyable to look at. Some photographers also like to use panning techniques to add movement to their photos.

This involves following your subject with your camera as they move, creating a streaked effect that implies speed and motion. Panning can be tricky to master, but it's worth trying if you want to add an extra element of interest to your photos.

So don't be afraid to experiment with different ways of adding movement to your photos. By doing so, you'll end up with some truly stunning and unique images that are sure to impress everyone who sees them.

8. Play with Light

Lighting is one of the most important elements of photography, and it can transform the mood of a photo. Natural light is always the best option if possible, but artificial light sources can also be used to great effect.

Lamps and fairy lights are particularly effective at creating a warm, inviting atmosphere. When taking photos indoors, it's important to pay attention to the lighting and make sure that the subject is well-lit.

Experiment with different light sources and see what effect they have on your photos. With a little bit of practice, you'll be able to create stunning images that perfectly capture the mood you're going for.

9. Go, Black and White

Converting photos to black and white is a great way to create a classic, timeless look. Black and white photos can be more striking than color photos, and they can help to highlight the emotions in a photo.

When you convert a photo to black and white, you're essentially removing all of the distractions of color. This allows the viewer to focus on the subject of the photo, and it can help to pull out the emotions in the scene.

If you're looking for a classic, elegant look, converting your photos to black and white is the way to go.

10. Use Negative Space

Negative space is the area around your subject. Using negative space can help to focus attention on your subject and make for more interesting photos. This is because the negative space provides a contrast to the subject, making it more visible.

In addition, using negative space can help to create a sense of balance in your photos. For example, if you have a photo with a lot of space on one side, you can use that space to create a sense of symmetry.

Just be sure not to include too much negative space, as this can make your photos seem unbalanced or unfinished. With a little practice, you'll be able to use negative space to add impact to your photos.

11. Frame Your Subject

When composing a photograph, one of the first things you learn is the rule of thirds. This compositional guideline suggests that you divide your frame into thirds, both horizontally and vertically, and place your subject along one of those lines or at the intersection of them.

This can create a more balanced and pleasing image. But sometimes, breaking the rules can lead to even more interesting results. Framing your subject is a great way to add depth and interest to your photos.

You could use anything from doorways to tree branches to frame your shot. This can help to focus the viewer's attention on the subject and create a sense of depth and space.

In addition, it can add a touch of mystery or drama to an otherwise ordinary image. So next time you're out shooting, keep an eye out for opportunities to frame your subject. You may just end up with a striking and original photograph.

12. Get Close Up

When taking a picture, one of the most important things to consider is composition. This includes the placement of the subject within the frame, as well as the distance between the camera and the subject.

In general, getting closer to your subject will result in a more intimate and detailed photo. This is because you will be able to capture small details that might be missed from a distance.

For example, expressions can be very revealing, and getting close up can help you to capture subtle nuances in facial expressions. In addition, unique features such as birthmarks or freckles can add interest to a close-up photo.

So next time you're taking family photography, try moving in closer to your subject to see what kinds of interesting details you can capture.

13. Have a Theme

A family photoshoot is a cherished memento that captures a moment in time. If you want your family photos to be stylish and cohesive, consider choosing a theme. Matching everyone's outfits to a certain color is a great way to create cohesion.

You can also pick a location that fits your theme. For example, if you choose a beach theme, the shore or a backyard pool would be great locations. Or, if you want a more formal vibe, consider taking your photos at a stately home or in a park.

By planning and choosing a theme, you can ensure that your best family photos are beautiful and timeless.

Put These Family Photo Ideas Into Action

While posed family photo ideas have a time and place, sometimes the best family photos are candid ones. Capturing a sweet moment between siblings or a quiet laugh shared between parents can result in priceless memories that you'll want to hold onto forever. With these thirteen ideas in mind, start planning your next family photo session!

If you're looking to get your photos professionally printed, contact us today to see how we can help. We love great photography and believe it can work wonders for every decor!